DJs Playing Badly: where the DJs fail epically | December 31, 2023

Welcome to your New Year’s Eve instalment of DJs Playing Badly – our Sunday column where we take a look at DJs who have committed some kind of fail. Perhaps a totally messed up mix transition or they’ve failed to create any kind of atmosphere.

It’s also the last article on this site for 2023, as it happens – so tonight’s turn in dance music’s favourite ducking stool goes to a rather famous person not even particularly associated with this industry. Well, not until he decides that his country needs to hold a propaganda festival to show the world they’re not that bad, really.

That’s right – it’s none other than North Korea’s very own Kim Jong-Un, being played here by his doppelganger Fraanchisee. The dictator apparently took time out of his busy schedule to play a set – and he did it about as well as he does running his country.

We apologise to the British government in advance if this article subsequently results in protests from the North Korean embassy in London…

More DJs Playing Badly next weekend…


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