Masters At Work

News -2 Minutes

What do PR companies actually do? Reading what’s written about their clients obviously isn’t one of them for Additive Music, it seems!

A few weeks ago, you might recall that Masters At Work released a new single – their first in a very long time indeed. I listened to all the mixes and wrote up a...
News -2 Minutes

Glowing words towards the “brother that he never had”, yet he doesn’t follow him on social media: more rumours that all is not well with Masters At Work

A few weeks ago, I ran an article that asked whether all was well with Masters At Work. Despite the release of their first single as a duo for over 20 years, there seemed...
News -1 Minute

Is all not well with Masters At Work? Mystery of why there’s no interview for any press for “Mattel” promo campaign

Time was whenever someone had a record to promote, especially when an artist has been away for a long time, is media appearances – and lots of them. This strategy has been frequently employed...
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