Dance music journalists have a truly peculiar attitude to the Berlin based club Berghain. Their fascination with this place has even led to their bouncer doing interviews in the press. And let’s not even...
Gatekeepers angry about gatekeeping shocker!
Streaming services for DJs are one of those things that seem to make the older heads foam at the mouth. They think the idea is absurd and is somehow an insult to how they...
One reason why sample packs AREN’T totally evil
There are many out there who berate sample packs. They allow people who know nothing about music to make music, these purists say. You know where this is going, don’t you? Their usual haunt...
Snobs slip up on their own snobbery – part 47,258
I love it when snobs end up tripping up on their own snobbery. This piece spends several minutes telling you that you need to mix your records perfectly- before telling you that you actually...