Amidst the doom and gloom…

I’ve observed much more doom and gloom in recent weeks, both online and offline. The atmosphere is now much more reminiscent of April this year – a truly dark time when Covid-19 was taking the lives of around 1000 people a day in the UK. We clapped for the NHS on Thursday nights and stayed at home as much as we physically could.

It’s somewhat understandable. Cases are rising again, more restrictions are in place than during the summer and no one’s quite sure how this winter will pan out. All we know for sure is that Christmas 2020 will almost certainly not consist of huge family gatherings – and seeing that the festive season is a time to unwind for many, this won’t be welcome news.

I think we just have to remember the words of Sir Captain Tom Moore at this moment. Tomorrow will be a good day. And he’s right. Difficult periods come and go in life. You can’t enjoy the best parts of life without experiencing some of the worst parts too. No pandemic in history has lasted forever. This one won’t last forever either.

I’m not a person who does gratitudes naturally, but I have to try that little bit harder these days. You just have to look at those things more at times like this and not forget. Better times are coming…


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