Sterling Void: like a toddler parading his first shit in the toilet

It’s been a few weeks since I wrote about Sterling Covid. He’s becoming part of this page’s bread and butter – the equivalent of a horseshit sandwich, in this case – alongside Daniel “Mr Burns” Ek. It’s made all the more fun because I know Mr Void reads this page.

Anyway, as the second depressing wave of Covid-19 gets underway, so does the resurgence of Void after his first wave was brought to an end after 32 years. At the moment, he’s currently sharing a video with anyone who asks, and an awful lot of people who don’t. I’ve had it confirmed from numerous friends and sources.

I’ve chosen not to share the video for the time being, and this is why. After researching Covid, (the man, not the disease, though they do have a lot in common) I’ve come to the conclusion he almost certainly hasn’t made a single record that he’s credited on in his life.

At best, he’s had a role of coming up with ideas on records, but left to his own devices to make a track, he’d have as much chance of success as a monkey pressing buttons randomly on a keyboard would have of writing a novel.

So it’s safe to say this video which he is parading in the way a toddler parades his first poo in the toilet is not from him. The quality of the footage is poor and given this is a man who once tried to raise $152 for the funeral of his mother who wasn’t dead, it’s more or less a dead cert that he does not own a Mac computer.

One thing I noticed, however, was that the vocal on this track was very familiar. I thought I’d write down some of the lyrics and search them on Google – it came back as “Dreaming” by Loleatta Holloway. It was released in 1977 on Salsoul Records, although you might be more familiar with the release of remixes on Defected all the way back in 2000.

Sterling Covid has managed to steal a song that in itself contains a vocal – and at least one disco sample – stolen from at least two other records. I don’t know who originally stuck this together – but you can definitely do a lot better than working with Mr Covid!

A news anchor described the US presidential debates last week as an “absolute shitshow”. It’s hard to avoid coming to the same conclusion here…

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