So, Korg have brought out a brand new synthesiser. I’m not going to review it here. I’m not exactly at the stage in the industry where the likes of Korg will give you one of these ahead of release to test it.
Anyway, I’m in two minds about this one. The first school of thought is that releasing a brand new synthesiser nearly nine months into a pandemic at a cost of nearly £720 is crazy. It’s not like a lot of people have had much work this year, so who on earth do they think will buy this?
The second school of thought suggests this is actually the perfect time to release it. Various lockdowns and such will have made producers really think about their setups and some might well decide they need to replace some older gear with new synths, such as this one. So putting this out now might actually be commercial genius!
I can’t work out which one of these I believe. What do you think?