Downs and ups?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve been doing music wise – quite possibly more than is healthy. I also came across something which I’ve found more dispiriting than I first expected.

I recently got sent my statistics by Spotify for the year. I thought they were okay, but nothing more. Then I unearthed the ones they’d sent me for 2019. My total number of listens was down by over 70% on the previous year!

I thought about this and concluded that this is basically my own fault. I wasn’t releasing enough music and I wasn’t promoting what I was doing sufficiently enough. And this is the consequence.

Quite simply, it’s not good enough. 2021 is going to have to be a year where I put my foot to the floor. I’m basically going to have to become the next Demarkus Lewis – notoriously the hardest working guy in underground house. Should be an interesting new year…


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