Barry White on a jungle record? This post gets weirder…

I’m currently working on bringing over all those posts that I previously did on my Facebook page onto this site for posterity. Without meaning to sound like I’m bigging myself up – and I am – some of the material in there is gold.

This is one. It’s simply too good not to share it again in the present. Back in 2018, I got sent a link to a set in my private messages. And just in case I hadn’t seen that, I was tagged in at least 20 different posts promoting aforementioned mix.

Anyway, the set was called “House Classics”. My review at the time? This…

“It started with some Martin Garrix before proceeding into a medley of disco songs sped up to Alvin and the Chipmunks proportions. [It] then takes in a Boyzone record with a weird filter effect on top, some jungle that had been slowed down so much it sounded like Barry White… [and] finished with the aforementioned Barry White, belting out “Let The Music Play”… whilst sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks.”

When I shared my thoughts, he never responded. I thought I’d upset him. A few months later, it appeared his hurt had passed. He sent me another mix called “Modern Classics”.

I reviewed it – and as soon as I find it in the archive, I’m posting it!


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