The times they are a changing…

I thought it was time to let you all know a few things that are coming up with this blog. Since I made the move in January to putting all my blog content here, I think it’s gone quite well. My readership has held up – infact, it’s actually gone up a little since I started.

The reasons I started this blog were twofold. One was because Facebook doesn’t make it easy to find past content quickly. I used to blog about politics many years ago and there were a number of things that simply weren’t possible on social media.

The second is that the algorithms on Facebook were ensuring that not many people saw what I was writing. That’s not much good for promotion purposes. Hence why I chose to put blog content here and to use social media channels for promotion instead.

It’s a strategy that seems to be working. That said, there are one or two issues. For example, this website is good… but I’ll be the first to admit it’s not great. Which is why I’m working on a revamp at the moment.

I want to add quite a few new things onto the site. I’m not telling you all my secrets, but an online shop and a new look are both important things to have. Rest assured that they are on the way.

I was hoping they’d be ready by now, but a combination of having a busy production schedule, being all reinvigorated by this 2-step stuff I’m doing at the moment and looking after three kids means it’s all taking a little longer than expected.

I’ve got a date in April pencilled in at the moment for the relaunch. As soon as it’s marked with a Sharpie, I’ll let you all know!

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