Last Monday, I published a post all about the latest trend in technology. Namely the ability to allow everyone to spend hours on end talking absolute shite about one subject.
Clubhouse started it, with their Apple exclusive app – thus ensuring that only people who paid a fortune for their overpriced toy phones will be able to use it for the foreseeable. Spotify soon got involved, mostly because Daniel Ek never wastes an opportunity to make money with anything that’s not music.
Now Facebook are getting in on the act. Their app is called Hotline and is currently being tested before launch. The tech giants clearly think that people all gathering online to talk nonsense is something that’s going to remain with us for a long time.
I can see why they’ve got that idea, but I also question it. Various vaccine programmes around the world for Covid-19 are slowly having the effect of reducing this pandemic, and life is gradually getting back to normal.

Only today for those who live in England, non-essential shops, hairdressers and the likes reopened for the first time in over 3 months. Other parts of the UK have similar plans ongoing, and other areas of the world are opening up again too.
So amidst this backdrop, are people really going to want to spend hours staring into a laptop or phone screen, doing what they’ve basically been doing for much of the past year?
Jury’s out on that one…