Girls I Rate – a movement aimed at disrupting the norm, yet feeding the norm with judges at the heart of music establishment for their latest contest

I’ve recently become aware of the Girls I Rate movement. They want to bring more women into the music industry – citing that less than 19% of all PRS members are female.

I’d like to be able to support this movement. It sounds like one that could cause a lot of disruption to established practices – and I like things that have that kind of slightly troublesome streak about them. It reminds me of me…

But this competition isn’t exactly instilling confidence for me. Let’s have a look at those judging the contest. The artist relations manager at YouTube? An apparatchik from Spotify? Some A&R guy from BMG?

Come on! I’d love to be able to get behind this movement. It sounds like something that could go somewhere – but by using representatives of what’s already failed to advance women to aid this competition is counterproductive in the extreme.

Girls I Rate, I’m not rating you very highly at the moment. You can do much better than this…


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