If you believe the mainstream dance music press, you’d be half forgiven for thinking we were in the midst of a clubbers apocalypse right now. Amidst headlines about the June 21st delay being the...
Daniel Ek pleads poverty when saying he can’t increase artist royalties – yet opens a big chequebook to get exclusive podcasts (with the latest getting a whopping $60million!)
Here’s yet another reason I’ve pretty much stopped making music to concentrate on this blog. Making me music was costing me money. I couldn’t even break even or make a small profit. And when...
Remember the DJ agency that harassed this blog for covering plague rave DJs? Well, guess who’s now facing legal action for an alleged super spreader event they put on in Tulum…
A few weeks ago, you might remember that I ran an article from a DJ who admitted he’d been doing plague raves. To cut a long story short, his agency found out, contacted me...