Yes, even I can say nice things sometimes! Mutya Buena is all about freedom… but this time, it’s freedom from prejudice as she performs at the Proud Freedom Festival

Mutya Buena wasn’t much of a fan when I wrote about her a few weeks ago. Much to her credit, however – and in stark contrast to others who refuse to engage when criticised – she made her feelings well known.

So when I saw her name appearing last night next to the word “freedom” in an RSS feed, I dreaded to think. Had she gone full on Danny Rampling and started attending anti-lockdown protests or posting mad Covid conspiracy theories online?

Thankfully not. It turns out she’s doing an event in Coventry on Sunday 29th August – during the bank holiday weekend. And it’s all to do with being proud of who you are. It’s an LGBTQ+ event – and why not, eh? There’s no denying she can sing…

There’s just one little point, though. And I surprisingly don’t mean this as a dig. It’s about the flyer above. What do they mean by “Mutya Buena (of the Sugababes)”?

I know the Sugababes were a bit fluid in regards to who was in it, but who could possibly not know Mutya is in the Sugababes, eh? 😉


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