The things DJs have to do to keep the bills paid! As others write books and do happy birthday messages, Kai Alcé sells a range of glasses – but it’s not for anyone eyeing up a bargain!

Danny Tenaglia sells hoodies. Judge Jules does personalised happy birthday messages for the curious sum of £123.67. Carl Cox wrote a book, Derrick Carter sold his old equipment and Steve Lawler took $31 a time to tell you he thought your record was crap.

DJs, it seems, are proving surprisingly adaptable when it comes to making money during the pandemic, but this is probably the most curious one I’ve seen yet. Atlanta based house producer Kai Alcé is now selling premium glasses branded with his name.

Yes, for just $260, (add $40 for tinted lenses plus delivery costs) you too can look like Mr Alcé himself. I’m not sure it gives you the musical talents he has, but I do notice that Mr Louie Vega approves…

Well, I’ve heard of people keeping an eye on what sells, but this is on another level…


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One thought on “The things DJs have to do to keep the bills paid! As others write books and do happy birthday messages, Kai Alcé sells a range of glasses – but it’s not for anyone eyeing up a bargain!

  1. The Saturday Recap – 26th June 2021 – Amateur's House 26 June 2021 at 09:30

    […] Kai Alcé sells glasses now? […]

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