Wednesday Whisper #6 – the DJ who borrowed money from a criminal syndicate and now hasn’t got the money to pay it back…

Which DJ and producer is currently embroiled in a terribly unpleasant scuffle for payment at the moment? A while ago, he did a gig out in the USA. It was in a state with a more lenient attitude towards lockdown, and the DJ believed the gig was safe.

Unfortunately, he still hasn’t been paid for the show in question, mostly because the organisers weren’t exactly legit. He’s s currently telling his Mickey Mouse solicitor to threaten to take the organisers for everything they’ve got, much to their bemusement.

What he isn’t saying is why he’s so desperate to be paid. It’s because he owes money to a criminal organisation – with substantial interest – and he’s already running late with his payments. Awkward…

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