June 2021

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Mr Love Groove Dance Party thinks kids shouldn’t get the Covid vaccine (or anyone else) – but were the drugs YOU used to take all tested by the authorities first, Danny?

The social media feeds of Danny Rampling, a DJ who used to be an okay selector but a bit rubbish at mixing, truly is a cesspit nowadays. Only the other day, he put out...
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Dumb, dumber and DJ agencies – or, how reps for plague rave DJ who wrote on this blog are STILL demanding an apology that they won’t be getting

This saga is rumbling on longer than I thought. On Monday, I disclosed that the agency who represented the DJ who wrote a piece for me about why he did plague raves and agreed...
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Why do DJs always look so miserable in press shots? Let’s see whether the wonders of photoshop technology can turn those frowns upside down!

One of the mysteries in the world of dance music is why it seems to be a prerequisite that in all pictures taken of those in the scene, they must look utterly, utterly miserable....
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Can’t they all play nicely together? Derrick May making up facts, Juan Atkins bickering about the past – it’s as if there’s underlying tension somewhere…

Something must be in Detroit’s water at the moment. They’re all arguing like rats in a sack. I’ve been told about a blazing argument about why Hagi, Carl Craig’s wife, has now agreed to...
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Solomun’s got a new album to promote – but take a guess which of his recent activities the dance music press WON’T be telling their readers about?

You can usually tell when the dance music press are looking for that exclusive interview with someone about their latest project. They start being extremely supine, writing only the nicest things and leaving out...
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Revealed: why the British government STILL can’t say whether the June 21st easing for England is going ahead – and it isn’t to do with the bothersome Indian variant…

I sometimes wonder what it is that our journalists do all day. Communicating information in a clear and concise manner that provides all the facts doesn’t seem to be it. Hence why no journalist...
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Gay Tony would be proud of the interiors – but does new London nightclub Glam REALLY need to rely on the same old DJs as everyone else?

During the pandemic, an idyllic story started to gain traction. The dance music world needed to change, they said. The future was all about smaller nights with lesser known DJs cutting their teeth in...
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