A few weeks ago, the garage house crew were happy. Traxsource had finally given garage its own category on their site after a campaign which has been on and off for the past three years. And the infighting – for a while rife in the genre – appears to have eased off. Amazing what a bit of scrutiny does…
Anyway, this latest move has not gone unnoticed over at Beatport. I understand that the site has now started an advertising campaign across Facebook and Instagram to promote the fact they have their own garage category as well.
Infact, I’ve actually come across it whilst browsing Facebook. Here’s what readers see…

Garage first appeared as a genre on Beatport all the way back in 2017 – so I’m somewhat surprised they’re not making more of this fact in their adverts. Even more curious is the fact Beatport, which is owned by a big American conglomerate, managed this feat ahead of Traxsource, who frequently claim to have a closer relationship with its customers.
Whatever the truth, one thing is clear – there’s obviously money to be made in garage. Traxsource have decided they want a piece of this pie. And Beatport aren’t going to take it lying down…