Wednesday Whisper: 25th May 2022

Which DJ has recently been doing a very special kind of spring cleaning? The only difference is instead of scrubbing his kitchen tiles clean and finally taking that rubbish to the dump, this guy has been getting dirt wiped off his social media profiles instead.

This DJ has had rumours of infidelity swirling around him for a number of years – which is admittedly not exactly a shocking thing in the DJ world. But the man in question has repeatedly claimed to his friends – and also his long-time partner – that the allegations are entirely false. He also claims he’s never met the woman at the centre of the rumours.

There’s just one awkward problem. Pictures taken from an event in London earlier this year show the woman in question was present and correct. Coincidence, right? Er, not exactly. The woman whom he claims he’s never met is inside the DJ booth with him whilst he’s DJing. Further photographs – which Ears To The House has seen – show the two of them in deep conversation.

And one photograph has the two of them posing and smiling gleefully. But you won’t find a trace of these pictures now – they’ve all been quietly removed over the past few weeks. Even old Google cachesappear to have been wiped too – and the man himself is said to have sent a number of emails described as “mostly friendly, if not slightly menacing” requesting their removal.

Unfortunately, his email to Ears To The House was of a less affable tone – inviting us to “f*** off” when contacted for comment. Fear not – your secret is safe for now…


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