Mystic Rose drops Covid sceptic DJ – but should Rampling be worried?

Many people appear to have a problem understanding the difference between legitimate criticism and hatred. Ears To The House readers will know all this too well – after we published an article about Carl Craig a few months ago, he bizarrely responded that “haters gonna hate”. This, of course, is despite the fact we don’t do hatred here.

In much of the world, this thing exists called freedom of speech. It means you get to do things and people get to respond to those things. Anantos, a gentleman who does promotions for Berlin psy-trance party Mystic Rose appers to be one of those who fails to understand this.

A German DJ called Captain Future – real name Michael Bründel – was due to appear at a Mystic Rose party in Berlin’s KitKatClub on June 17th. But that booking has now been cancelled after a flood of criticism following the announcement. Legitimate criticism which Anantos has refused to engage with, cheaply dismissing “hate and negativity” instead.

So why has Captain Future had his booking kyboshed? The answer is simple – he spent much of the past two years spearheading a movement in Germany against lockdown restrictions and frequently attended anti-vax protests. You always knew it was him, due to his ridiculous yellow cape and eye mask.

Inevitably, certain quarters are shouting very loudly about “cancel culture” over the news. Which is nonsense, of course – Anantos could have stubbornly continued with the booking, but that would have had consequences too. People exercised their choice to disagree with Captain Future’s appearance at the venue, he chose to cancel the booking.

One person who won’t be pleased to hear the news would be Danny Rampling. The okay-ish British DJ of some 500 years spent much of the past two years angrily protesting about lockdown rules. No one else ever reminds him he was a big fan of said restrictions at the start of the pandemic, do they?

No such reaction seems to happen online whenever Rampling is booked for any event these days, despite his story having similarities with Captain Future. We can’t possibly think why…


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