Wednesday Whisper – 8th June 2022

Which manager left a dinner guest particularly bemused by a comment he made as proceedings came to their conclusion? Last week, he went to a fancy, top-end New York restaurant to treat a number of his artists to some posh food. No expense was spared, with invites even going out to their spouses.

Everyone turned up for dinner and a good time was had by all. As everyone finished their third course of desserts, a number of alcoholic beverages emerged – wine, prosecco, champagne, beers, cocktails and the rest. Upon being told the manager was paying for the entire evening, everyone quite happily piled in.

Later in the evening, the manager started talking to the girlfriend of one artist he represents. He was friendly enough and about as professional as anyone would be after reportedly necking five shots of vodka – but she was somewhat taken aback by his observation on the dinner they’d just feasted on.

He told her that “My arse is crying at the prospect of s***ting out all this food”. The girlfriend – along with her DJ partner – still can’t work out if the manager was being complimentary or derogatory…


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