No, Nervous don’t make branded bed sheets – but should they?

Time for something a bit lighter for this Thursday evening. Every now and then, Nervous Records post pictures of bootleg merchandise doing the rounds. Having been in the merchandising market since at least the mid-90s there’s a lot of it around – and some of it is more genuine than the rest.

For example, it certainly amuses us to know someone thought it a good idea to start creating Nervous branded bed sheets – and truth be told, we’re surprised they didn’t think of it themselves. Ears To The House remembers running a story a while ago on how they used to give out free suntan lotion at the Miami Music Conference in 1996.

Here’s the latest range of counterfeit merchandise the label has found…

Quite what persuaded someone out there of the need for a Nervous Records flag to exist will almost certainly never be known. In the meantime, the label says new merchandise – or “siiiiiick new merch”, as they insist on calling it – is on their way. Goodness only knows what they’ve got in mind this time…

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