Here’s One They Made Earlier: 1st August 2022

When the team here at Ears To The House submit ideas for tracks to feature in this column, one thing which frequently strikes us is just how many producers out there were, quite simply, ahead of their time. This could certainly be said of Armando Gallop, one of whose records we feature today.

He was instrumental in the development of the acid house sound of the 1980s and contributed numerous tracks to the genre – yet like a number of other producers from that era, just how talented he was simply wasn’t appreciated properly until after he was gone. Gallop died of leukaemia on 17th December 1996 at the age of 26.

His influence in Chicago was widespread – just ask Terry Hunter. In 2008, Hunter revealed in an interview that “without Armando, there wouldn’t have been any Terry Hunter”. But it wasn’t just acid house he worked with. In 1992, he released new versions of “100% Of Dissin’ You” – and it’s the Warehouse Mix we’ve chosen for this week’s column…


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