A few weeks ago, Ears To The House brought you the news that American house DJ and producer Danny Tenaglia has taken to showing off his massive trunk to promote his latest gig. And it’s not the sort of trunk you’d have to subscribe to OnlyFans to see, either – no, it was this one…

A few people were under the impression we were somehow mocking Tenaglia by constantly referring to his massive trunk. Rest assured we were not – we were only talking about the massive trunk on the elephant inexplicably placed in the background of his previous promotional video.
For his latest one, Tenaglia appears to have decided to try a more back to basics approach. Looking somewhat sleep deprived due to being in a London airport between flights – we understand he was on his way to Ibiza at the time – it’s simply him, a fairly nondescript background and a phone filming it all…
He’s going to be in Europe for most of this month, performing in Croatia, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and France. Quite how a DJ of some 900 years standing manages to do it, we simply don’t know…