Electronic Beats 80s acid house video drops – but who’s missing?

Here at Ears To The House, we’re big fans of the Blind Test series run by Electronic Beats. Watching DJs wracking their brains trying to remember the names of sometimes obscure tracks which they were often playing decades earlier – and trying to recall them ourselves – both excites us and drives us crazy at the same time.

But this one got our interest – and not simply because it’s titled 80s Acid House Classics. The timing of the episode seems amusing to us – it was the origins of acid house which started what turned into a blazing online row between DJ Pierre and Mr C – real names Nathaniel Pierre Jones and Richard West – a few weeks ago.

This feud appears to have gone silent for the time being, although there have been no apologies from either side. Numerous posts by the two men from the time were deleted, although traces of the unedifying episode remain on other social media pages.

However, the squabble appears to have had effects elsewhere. Ears To The House learned over the weekend from multiple sources that both DJ Pierre and Mr C were originally due to appear in the episode which premiered today. But what we didn’t know was whether they would still feature in the episode.

According to our sources, the episode was originally meant to go out around two weeks ago. The online spat between Jones and West, however, meant Electronic Beats decided to delay it – although it’s unclear exactly who made the final call to postpone. A source said “Electronic Beats gather that the situation between DJ Pierre and Mr C remains tense right now, so they didn’t want to risk fanning the flames”.

The final result seems to be that neither is now making an appearance. Their contributions have been left on the cutting room floor – and it certainly wasn’t because of embarrassment over their performances. Speaking before a final decision was made on the episode, a source told us “both men actually did very well, and there were a couple of difficult ones in there”.

We’ve contacted Electronic Beats for comment on the story and will let you know if they reply. But controversy over absent figures aside, this is pretty enjoyable viewing…

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