Is everyone in the Detroit music scene an unprincipled snake who puts themselves ahead of everyone else? Ears To The House refuses to believe this is the case – and would dearly love to showcase a more positive side of the scene. That’s precisely one thing we’re going to do today.
As regular readers will know, we strongly believe the dancefloor should be a place of enjoyment and freedom – but for far too many people, it isn’t. For them, it’s a source of anxiety and possibly even fear. It’s a problem the dance music world must confront, but is often reluctant to do so.
So a recent post by Spot Lite in Detroit fills us with joy…

Let’s take a closer look. They list what they’re doing. They admit there’s more they could probably do, but have hit something of a stumbling block – and they need the community’s help. Contrary to what seems to be a popular belief these days, no one is expected to know all the answers to every question.
Hence why they’re putting a panel together to vigorously discuss the issue to see what else can be done. We like this approach a lot – we’ll be watching closely to see what comes out of this. There might be lessons for the wider scene here…