Sterling Void is coming “to save house music” – but from what?

Over the past few months, journalists who can’t be bothered to do their jobs properly – of which there seem to be no end these days – have tried to claim various people have “saved” house music. And despite Drake and Beyoncé Knowles being just two of those apparently acclaimed for doing this, there’s just one problem.

Namely that no one has the faintest idea what these journalists are talking about. Saved from what, exactly? So far, all that Ears To The House can safely establish is they’re not talking about the word “saved” in the context of born-again Christians, nor are they referring to the word in the making a copy of your work on a computer.

No one who listens to house music regularly was even aware the genre needed saving from anything. The scene has its issues, but there’s no shortage of good music doing the rounds – and like always, no shortage of the bad stuff either. And now, we have the sight of Sterling Void – real name Duane Pelt – claiming he is basically house music’s new saviour…

He sounds almost messianic in this proclamation, doesn’t he? Just like a policy announcement from a politician, there’s shiny and attention-grabbing words in it – but no real detail as to what this actually means. Quite when Pelt will give us the small print on his plan remains to be seen.

A cynic might point out that a man accused of pretending he had a record signed to Defected when he didn’t, was accused of forging the signature of Cleveland P Jones on a contract and who even claimed his own mother had died – at least twice! – might argue Pelt is in no position to save anything. And as for Ears To The House? We’re saying nothing…


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