One of dance’s rising stars Jamie Roy dies aged just 33

Most of us at Ears To The House woke up yesterday to the incredibly sad news concerning Scottish DJ and music producer Jamie Roy. The 33-year old passed away on Tuesday – and as his family put it in their statement…

“Jamie was a much loved and talented son, brother, nephew and uncle and loved by his many friends and colleagues both within the music industry and beyond that. We are all absolutely heartbroken.”

In a truly depressing sign of the times, the comments sections of the likes of Mixmag were soon filled with trolls and all-round idiots spreading conspiracy theories about Roy’s death. The social media world could really do with sometimes remembering these words could well be read by family members and friends who are grieving – and certainly don’t need to hear these baseless and hurtful claims.

Whilst we don’t know the cause of death, the truth is it doesn’t hugely matter right now. A rising star in the dance music world – there aren’t many in 2022, as we’ve pointed out before – has died at the age of 33 years old. Clichéd as it might be, by any measure, he was taken far, far too soon.

Roy always had visions to work in dance music and initially started out in Ibiza over a decade ago dishing out flyers for other DJs. Over time, he developed a taste for doing it himself and was starting to make his mark on the scene – hence why on the other side of social media yesterday, tributes were coming in from far and wide.

One popular sentiment we’ve noticed in many of these tributes is how genuine and authentic he was – a sharp contrast to the industry filled with too many charlatans which he was making his way to the top in. Others also point out how much care he took in his appearance, with one person recounting a story of how Roy asked to borrow some hairspray when passing a barbers – only to then go in to get the full treatment.

Dance music seems to have lost one of its rising stars yesterday. Rest assured, however, that Roy will no doubt continue with the party in heaven…


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