DJs Playing Badly: 7th October 2022

Welcome to another installment of our usual weekly column, DJs Playing Badly. Every single Friday, we showcase an example of a DJ set going horribly wrong. Whether it be a crowd simply not responding to a set, a technical failure or something else entirely, this column features the best of DJ fail each week.

For this week’s edition, we have a little bit of everything – courtesy of Tale Of Us. The music being played is nothing remotely special in any way at all. The visuals appear to consist of lots of red lights and a person upside down and spinning around – signifying nothing remotely special in any way either.

But absolutely the strangest thing about this clip is the sheer number of people holding smartphones and filming proceedings which consist of nothing remotely special in any way. Indeed, the first response of our editor when he first saw this clip was, shall we say, something you can’t print in a family publication.

We’d invite you to enjoy the clip below, but you probably won’t…

Thinking of sending us a submission for this column? We already come across a lot of examples of terrible clips from clubland – but if you think you’ve seen something that tops the rest for awfulness, pop us an email.

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