Last week, Resident Advisor – showing an incredibly rare moment of courage – reported on the story of London-based party Crossbreed unceremoniously ejecting their founder, Alex Warren. This followed allegations being made against him, including sexual assault, manipulation and rape.
Warren himself says the claims “are serious and I need time to properly investigate what they are, process and understand them. Should there be anyone who feels harmed by me who feels safe coming forward I’m open to hearing from anyone I might have harmed, directly or indirectly.”.
Now, Ears To The House isn’t commenting right now on the allegations made last week – but we can disclose a particularly curious episode from Warren’s past. In April 2020, large chunks of the world were in the midst of lockdowns designed to slow down the spread of Covid-19. And whilst the exact shape of restrictions varied by country, stay at home orders were a common theme.
For a while, the likes of healthcare workers were seen as the most important people in society – in contrast to the so-called celebrities, politicians and other spivs who normally reside in this position. And here in Britain, the nation stopped what little most of us were doing at 8pm each Thursday to cheer for the NHS staff working on the frontline.
But what was Alex Warren doing? Well, he also wanted to help motivate NHS staff – but came up with a rather odd way of doing so. In short, Warren wanted everyone to send nudes to healthcare workers. And in case you think we’re making this up, here’s the email he sent at the time…

The Independent’s Roisin O’Connor was amongst those to receive the original email during the UK’s first Covid lockdown. Mercifully for those healthcare workers busy on the frontline saving lives at the time, the campaign went nowhere…