Jeff Mills has a new EP out – but who else is representing Detroit?

This week, much controversy was abound over the decision by someone or other to allow Derrick May to represent Detroit in their annual Thanksgiving Day parade. It remains unclear whether the organisers were initially aware of the allegations made against him over the past two years – although they did at least respond following online criticism.

Now, Ears To The House has been unashamedly forward in our criticism at the lack of innovation by the self-dubbed innovators from Detroit techno’s early days. The aforementioned Derrick May, for example, has released no new music since 1992 – despite saying his mission in life is to “save the world from bad music”. True, innovators might have periods where they’re less so – but they don’t usually last 30 years.

Anyway, one man from Detroit who has continued to innovate throughout his career is Jeff Mills. Here is a man who continues to release new music several decades after he started – infact, he’s just released a brand new EP. It’s called “Extension” and it’s out on vinyl right now.

Having heard the previews, we like what we hear – “The Storyteller” seems to be a firm favourite amongst the team. But it leads us to think – who else is representing the sound of Detroit at the moment? Because for all the noise the Belleville Three are making, two of them aren’t doing anything – yet they claim to have revolutionised music in the 1980s.

Whereas many others from Detroit’s early days, such as Blake Baxter and Thomas Barnett, are still putting out music alongside newer names. When are they going to start receiving the credit they really deserve? Perhaps next year, Detroit’s Thanksgiving Day parade could honour Jeff Mills on a float – it might be a good starting point…


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