Was THAT the best you could do, Mr Tenaglia?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. No one from the Ears To The House team could ever be convinced to visit a nightclub on Christmas Day. Not for us – mince pies, rubbish television viewing, alcohol and someone releasing noxious odours after eating too many Brussels sprouts are more our kind of thing.

But we obviously have no issue with anyone who takes a different view – Christmas is sadly not a time of universal joy. Which is why Danny Tenaglia is perfectly entitled to spend his Christmas night at work – the fact he keeps doing it year after year suggests there’s clearly an audience for what he’s doing.

Here’s how Nervous Records are currently promoting the gig…

Could they really not have made a little bit more of the festive angle? Yes, the poster in the background has some lights on it and a curiously placed Santa hat – but all the same, we think they could increase the overall amount of Christmas in the material. They could, for example, have taken the thyme to persuade Danny Tenaglia to wear a Santa outfit.

Here’s what he might have looked like…

Let’s hope Nervous responds – we really don’t want to have to do myrrh of these mock-ups…

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