Welcome back to Ears To The House – and things are gonna change (well, a bit) around here!

So it looks like we’re back once again. Things went a bit pear shaped last year, although we did manage to come back and do our bit to stop Derrick May from appearing at Detroit’s Thanksgiving Day parade festivities in November. Here’s hoping this is us back for good this time, eh?

We decided to make a few tweaks to the site whilst we were away. The first thing to mention is our Monday night column is now bigger than before – instead of including one track from dance music history, it’s now going to have three each week. Hence why the column’s new name is Here’s Three They Made Earlier. Quite self-explanatory, isn’t it?

Our DJs Playing Badly has been subject to some debate whilst we were away, too. At one point, we did consider ditching it entirely – was it just a little too negative? To which the answer is no – Ears To The House is about the best and worst of the dance music world. So it’ll be staying put, with one change – the column will now be on Sunday instead of Friday.

And the reason the column has to move is because of a new arrival on Friday, due to launch in the coming weeks. Called the Friday Selection, it’s going to feature a selection of the best new releases of the week. The reviews will be briefer than our previous Six On Saturday column, but it will allow us to cover more music – despite what the doomsayers say, plenty of good music is still around and coming out each week.

But enough about what’s changing – what’s staying the same? Well, Ears To The House will continue to provide a six day service from Sunday to Friday for the time being. This won’t prevent us from publishing on a Saturday if it’s necessary – but don’t expect it to become a regular thing just yet. Once we’ve got the numbers on our team up a little further, we fully intend to run all week long. Good news for those who like to see the dance music world scrutinised, bad news for those who don’t like being under the microscope.

The Wednesday Whisper also remains firmly in its regular slot, and contributions from the likes of The Insider will continue to appear – as well as a primary focus on publishing stories you won’t generally see covered elsewhere. And where we do stray into stories being covered more widely, we promise to do our utmost to bring you different perspectives not seen in the dance music press.

Right, everything clear? Let’s go…

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