Would a night czar help save Fuse nightclub? London’s experience with Amy Lamé suggests not – but at least she’s 40% better off…

Over the past few days, Ears To The House has covered the situation at Belgium’s Fuse nightclub with some concern. The result of a hearing from Wednesday doesn’t exactly instill us with a sense of confidence either – and even MPs in Brussels are getting worried about the situation.

The Brussels Times is reporting that “Anne-Charlotte d’Ursel and David Weytsman have tabled a motion in the Brussels Parliament, which would not only establish this position [of a night mayor] in the region but also ‘reconcile the demands of a major international city’ in developing the city’s burgeoning nightlife.”.

Which other “night mayors” are they talking about, exactly? Could they be referring to Sacha Lord, the Night Time Economy Adviser in Manchester – a man who will always, rightly or wrongly, face accusations of partisanship due to having a nightclub in the same city? Maybe they’re talking about London’s Amy Lamé – a failure who oversaw a 22% drop in the number of nightclubs in the city between 2019 and 2021.

The Belgian politicians calling for the creation of this position might want to be careful with what they wish for – but it’s a very lucrative job for whoever lands it. The Spectator recently reported that Lamé received a 40% pay rise across 2021 and 2022 – rising from £83,169 to a whopping £116,925. Nice work if you can get it.

Lamé previously responded to criticism against her saying “I will be judged by the work that I do.”. Judging by her lamentable record, this sounds like the start of a bad joke…


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