Wednesday Whisper: 15th February 2023

Which DJ got so drunk and out of it that he was spotted on the streets of London shouting recently? The DJ in question had flown in from the States to appear at a very well-paid show in the British capital city and was very pleased that his set had gone even better than he expected.

With his flight to return Stateside not being for two days, he decided he’d let his hair down and celebrate. And at the afterparty, attended by DJs, some venue staff and a few VIP table types, he proceeded to get drunk. Very, very drunk. Adding in the claim he’d reportedly had a different substance too, his head was on an even different planet to the one it normally resides.

Leaving the venue at around 4am to take the short walk back to the plush five star hotel nearby, the DJ started getting very vocal – ordering the “elephants” nearby to “stay the f*** away from me”. Infact, he got so loud at one point that two police officers got out of a passing panda car – ordering him to either shut up or face arrest.

He even started protesting with police, until his accompanying manager reminded him that “you don’t like porridge” – a reference to a long discontinued British tradition of the food being a staple of a prisoners diet. At which point he agreed to be quiet and peacefully went on his way…


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