Wednesday Whisper: 21st June 2023

Which DJ is currently alleged to be dealing behind the scenes with an eating disorder? The DJ in question has been on the dance music scene for many years and has enjoyed considerable success in that time – indeed, their career has experienced something of a renaissance in recent years.

But Ears To The House has sadly received confirmation from no less than three different sources, who all say they suspect this person is in the middle of an eating disorder. A number of things are believed to be responsible – not least the truly punishing schedule they’ve been subjecting themselves to since Covid restrictions were eased.

According to one source, the pandemic hit their finances really hard – and now that the show is back on the road, they’re making up for lost time. Ears To The House has, of course, previously covered the difficulties of this post-pandemic period – with one DJ alleged to have attempted suicide back in 2021.

We hope they get the help they need – and quickly…


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