Lucati surprises us all by declaring “you have to have a very high IQ to understand tech house” – but he might want to refrain from talking about “omnitempo maximalism”…

Dance music becomes a lot easier to understand once you realise one inalienable truth – most of the subgenres within dance were invented by either record shops or bored journalists. Take “tech-house,” for example – the Wikipedia page on the topic defines it as “a subgenre of house music that combines stylistic features of techno with house”.

Over the weekend, however, we discovered a surprising new piece of information about tech-house – one of dance music’s favourite piñatas, if ever there was one. According to Lucati, no less, “you have to have a very high IQ to understand tech house”.

Here’s the post on X, formerly Twitter, in case you’re wondering if our editor has totally lost the plot…

Lucati – an alias of American DJ and producer Ruben Smulovitz – goes on to state that “the frequencies are extremely rich”. Anyone, of course, taking a look at the tech-house charts on the likes of Beatport might have something to say about that idea.

More pompously, he says that “without a solid grasp of omnitempo maximalism, most of the tunes will go over a typical listener’s head”. Now, where have we heard this term before?

This one had us scratching our heads at HQ, so we put the term into Google, and it kept bringing results back for one particular guy. Here’s his profile on Resident Advisor, for example…

Would this be the same Bassnectar who’s currently trying to resuscitate his career, despite facing a number of allegations that include sex trafficking, child pornography, and sexual abuse of minors? Er, yes, it would.

Might be best avoiding that term until the cases conclude, at least…


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