Not another helping of Solomun, please! After Rockstar Games FINALLY release a trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6, Robert Owens shares an interesting question – what DJs could end up on the playlist?

In the world of music these days, there aren’t as many reliable money spinners as there used to be. Higher echelon DJs, for example, often have the option to effectively become a circuit DJ on the carousel of McDonald’s style festivals that proliferate the landscape nowadays.

Another way to fatten up the bank balance is to get involved with a video game – and they don’t really come bigger than Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto franchise. Beginning in November 1997, it developed a life of its own – but it’s now been over a decade since Grand Theft Auto 5 was released.

And whilst playing as the likes of Trevor Philips has been a lot of fun, everyone has increasingly been asking where the next game is. Well, Rockstar have finally announced that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be released in 2025 – publishing a trailer online showing the first ever female protagonist.

Robert Owens, it turns out, was one of those who has an interest in the game – and he couldn’t resist but share a question, courtesy of men’s contemporary fashion company Hypebeast, on his Instagram page…

It’s an interesting question. In the past, Grand Theft Auto games usually had one or two specific dance music related radio stations that gamers could listen to whilst driving around. For instance, the San Andreas edition from 2004 had a station called SF:UR – playing songs such as “Break For Love” by Raze, “Can You Feel It” by Mr Fingers, and “I’ll Be Your Friend” by Robert Owens himself.

But in recent years, DJs have been hired to do sets specifically for the hugely successful online edition of the game – with the likes of Tale For Us, Moodymann, and Solomun doing sets for people to listen to. Exactly what Rockstar’s plans are for their new game is unknown – but Ears To The House is pretty confident that music will remain as important as ever.

Expect a lot of the higher echelon DJs to be urging their managers to love bomb Rockstar Games during 2024…


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