Here at Ears To The House, we take people exactly as they are. In an industry where the dance music press doesn’t do that, preferring instead to mostly idolise and fawn over the people they write about, it inevitably means we’re going to annoy a few in the process.
You won’t be surprised to discover it’s not something which gives us sleepless nights. Nor do we care if the person, label or whatever we’re writing about is a newbie or veteran – why should someone be treated like some kind of god just because they made some good music in an increasingly distant past?
We also believe words should actually mean something – which is why we’re back on the topic of DJ Sneak. Last week, he published an Instagram post where he waxed lyrically about “leaving the digital world behind” – potentially a reference to a mission he set himself at the end of 2020.
And what mission was this? That would be the one where he said he would no longer release music digitally, and would take steps to remove his music from online stores such as Traxsource. This mission ended in failure on the first front, and an even bigger failure on the second.
But there was one piece of information that DJ Sneak – real name Carlos Sosa – didn’t mention whilst yet again telling the world about how much he fancies vinyl. Just days before he made that post, he had a new release called “Can We Dance” out on Traxsource – promoted by no less than Gladys Pizarro…

Newer fans of dance music might not be familiar with this name – but there are legions of people who’ll remember Gladys Pizarro from the 1990s. Whilst she spends her time nowadays running Launch Entertainment, she previously co-founded a legendary house label called Strictly Rhythm in 1989 alongside Mark Finkelstein.
Pizarro happily promoted the new digital release on her Facebook page, calling it “a BANGER”. Whereas DJ Sneak himself didn’t – we wonder why…
Here’s Three They Made Earlier returns to its usual slot in the New Year.