Thing with illusions is that you can’t keep them up forever! Peggy Gou’s New Year set for Apple Music was promoted by XL over the weekend – and they had to switch their comments off…

Toxic positivity is one of those things that’s always been in ample supply in the dance music world – and this is why so much of what has happened over the years has gone totally unchallenged. It’s why an awful lot of people still believe nonsense about Juan Atkins having created techno, or Resident Advisor somehow being representatives of the culture.

It also manifests itself on a smaller scale – in that everyone apparently loves whoever is supposedly popular at that time. And one person who’s been very popular with XL Recordings over the past few months has been Peggy Gou. So much so that they signed her record “Nanana” last year – probably with a generous cash advance to show how popular she was with them.

Now, none of that is on Gou – Ears To The House has received many testimonials over time saying she has a shrewd business brain, and if XL were willing to offer her lots of money, more credit to her for it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone else loves her as much as they do.

Indeed, XL got a reminder of this over the weekend – when they posted on Instagram suggesting that their users check out Gou’s New Year’s Eve set that was streamed live on Apple Music. After 53 comments were made, guess what happened?

The social media team at the label presumably had enough of the negative comments being sent their direction – and simply switched them off. Not only can no one leave a comment, but remarks previously left by other users can no longer be seen either.

This kind of pretending that everything is great really should be consigned to history…


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