If you’re looking for more Derrick May stories on this blog, fear not. Rest assured there are plenty more on the way. I’m simply giving a few people a right of reply opportunity at the moment – once they’ve made their minds up on whether their response will be to speak or stay silent, it’ll be publish and be damned time.
In the meantime, one of my regular sources in Detroit has been telling me the latest. He says “Derrick’s been keeping something of a low profile over the past week or so. Quite unusual for him, but his friends have been f***ing with him. He calls himself a visionary but all he does is yacking on about past glories. He didn’t even record one f***ing mix during lockdown.”.
This has not gone unnoticed. Since I wrote a while ago that all he posts on his Mixcloud Select channel – whom he charges you £3.99 per month to access – is old mixes, a couple of people were in touch. One said she was cancelling her subscription because of it.
Slightly concerned that it was the lack of old content and not the myriad of allegations against him which persuaded her to cancel, but every little helps…