I’ve been pondering for some time now whether to disclose this, and I’ve come to the conclusion it is. So here goes.
A little over 2 weeks ago, Sterling Void made contact with this page. He replied publicly, under his real name of Duane Pelt, to a post I’d written about scamming agent Derek Hazell. I invited him to reply to anything he wanted to in an email, and that his response would be published on my page, totally unedited and without any personal comment. This is an offer I’ve made a number of times before.
He told me that he would be in touch during the week of January 20th. At the time of publishing this post, he has not yet done so.. However, he did reveal one or two things to me in a brief email exchange.
Firstly, he sent a selfie that verified I definitely was talking to the man himself. He offered to phone me, but since it was 11.30pm UK time when the offer was made, I declined. I figured my wife and two children would not be best pleased at being woken up at that time of night by the sound of me making phone calls on the internet.
He told me he was now living with a new girlfriend and that he was currently busy redecorating their house. He also mentioned something about getting help for his well-documented drug problems. He also claimed to be getting out of the industry.
So I make the offer one last time, if you’re reading this, Mr Void. Get in touch. Send me an email telling me what you want to say. I shall be waiting, albeit without bated breath.