On the Amateur At Play Facebook page last year and now on here, I wrote many posts about the increasingly pathetic, desperate attempts by Derrick May to salvage something from the ruins his career is in following the allegations of sexual impropriety that surround him.
I was hoping that he’d eventually crawl under a rock in shame. So was Michael James, the brilliant journalist who has exposed many of the claims against him. No such luck. Derrick May and Kyle J Dupuy, Detroit’s answer to Lionel Hutz, are pursuing a defamation case against James, and are not giving it up.
At least not until May’s money starts to run out, eh? Rumours are that could be sooner than the man himself thinks.
Anyway, if you fancy a laugh, take a look at his legal defence. Apparently, this man who has spent over 30 years making heaps of money as an international DJ, who has conducted endless numbers of interviews across newspapers, radio, TV and online, is now a private person.
You couldn’t make this up if you tried, could you?