On Tuesday night, I referred to an interview that Derrick May did back in 2006 with Red Bull. You can read the whole transcript here.
I previously talked about how saddened May would be if Transmat was to ever close down – which makes his silence on what his manager Patricia Altisent doing even more baffling.
So, here’s something else that really stood out for me in the interview. Something that would have looked all innocuous back in 2006. Remember that May was speaking to an audience in Melbourne. I would wager it was a mostly male audience too.
Australians aren’t exactly known for being a reticent people, and I suspect May thought this kind of banter would go down well…

Knowing what we know now about Derrick? These comments just seem downright weird. Notice the rowing back when he mentions his car?
Yeah, me too.
[…] Pity no one told his manager…Wednesday: How do pirates get hold of all those shiny WAV files?Thursday: Derrick May gets unsavoury – even by his standards.Good Friday: Why dance music has no […]