On Thursday night, this blog published a post querying why a video that said it contained Derrick May showing how he played appeared to show no footage of Derrick May showing how he played anything.
If you haven’t seen it yet, do head here and read it. I spoke to a learned friend of mine about it and he suggested one of three things had happened. May can’t play, May explained himself really poorly, or May has found a new branch of music theory that could change music forever.
I then challenged Derrick to show us this new method in a video, providing 10 days for him to do it. I know he’ll see the challenge, because I can see from my site statistics that half of his friends are all over that post. I wonder what they make of it all?

Anyway, Derrick now has 7 days left to make the video. Whilst I remain hopeful that May will meet the deadline, I won’t exactly be rushing to prepare a nice, warm apology for him…