Do you remember a few weeks ago that I threw the gauntlet down to the plague rave DJs to explain themselves? Well, much to my surprise, one such DJ agreed to do so. And...
Carl Craig’s birthday party is in Detroit tonight – but there’s only one question on everyone’s lips: will Derrick May show up?
It’s Carl Craig’s birthday today. Happy 52nd birthday to you, Mr Craig. At least you can tell the difference between a keyboard and a cucumber. A few weeks ago, I wrote that he was...
The Six On Saturday (That Aren’t From Me!) – 22nd May 2021
On the week that someone claimed the Loch Ness monster sightings were actually sightings of, ahem, something very different, I go through the tunes that could never be mistaken for whale penis. And yes,...
The Saturday Recap – 22nd May 2021
Welcome to the weekend! Your Six On Saturday column is coming up later, but let’s start with a recap of what’s been on this site during the week. There’s something to read every single...