Carl Craig’s birthday party is in Detroit tonight – but there’s only one question on everyone’s lips: will Derrick May show up?

It’s Carl Craig’s birthday today. Happy 52nd birthday to you, Mr Craig. At least you can tell the difference between a keyboard and a cucumber. A few weeks ago, I wrote that he was having a birthday party.

It’s at the TV Lounge in Detroit and it’s due to start at 2pm local time. Here in the UK, we’re about five hours behind – so it’s due to start in around an hour from now.

However, let’s all be honest. There’s just one question on people’s minds, and it isn’t what kind of birthday cake will Carl Craig get or whether they’ve hired a clown to do the entertainment bit. No one even especially cares about whether they get goodie bags full of sweets at the end.

Will Derrick May turn up? Without revealing any details, two of my sources are going to this party and have promised to let me know if Mayday does make an impromptu appearance. If he does, I’ll be sure to let you know…


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One thought on “Carl Craig’s birthday party is in Detroit tonight – but there’s only one question on everyone’s lips: will Derrick May show up?

  1. So, did Derrick May turn up last night at Carl Craig’s TV Lounge birthday party? He did a DJ set AND bumped into his lawyer – wonder what they talked about? – Amateur At Play's House 23 May 2021 at 21:47

    […] a quick update on this Sunday evening on a post from last night. Carl Craig was 52 years old yesterday and his birthday party was at the TV Lounge. And sure […]

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