Could Derrick May be arrested if he lands in Europe? Sensational claims that yeah, he could be…

I mentioned last Friday that Derrick May was mulling over a move to Europe. I noted that his current girlfriend lives in Greece and that friends had joked about him marrying her and getting residency. I’m reliably informed the joke didn’t go down well… at first, anyway.

Anyway, another two sources got in touch over the weekend to point out a few things. Complaints about Derrick May have been filed with a number of police forces – and given the amount of time May has spent in Europe in the past, it’s very possible some of those complaints were made in the same Europe he’s thinking of going to now.

More worrying for May, however, is the European Arrest Warrant. This allows anyone in an EU country who is wanted by another EU country to answer allegations to be taken there. So for example, if a person lived in France but allegations had been made in Italy, the French police could carry out the arrest and transfer them to Italy for questioning. This law also covers detention, meaning you can be remanded in that country.

It covers all 27 countries in the EU. The only countries not covered are the likes of Switzerland, Monaco, the United Kingdom and Vatican City. And if he were to choose any of these countries, how would he gain residency?

Looks like this move to Europe might not be the fresh start you anticipate, Mr May…

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