Is everything not alright with your book, Duane? Sterling Void still hasn’t released tell-all tome, titled The Void Inside Of Me, that he promised his fans back in 2017

The depressing second wave of Sterling Covid continues, with the first only having been brought down in the year 2019. And unlike the coronavirus that currently blights much of the world, the Sterling Covid virus does not have a vaccine.

Back in 2017, Void promised us that a book was on the way. He told his thousands of followers on Facebook that there was “a lot of hard work” involved in “writing my book, but you will enjoy it”. Earlier this year, he disclosed that the book would “soon be release”.

Well, with grammar like that, let’s hope that the (un)lucky publisher has a proofreader on the payroll, eh? But where is the book? A quick search on Google reveals no answers. No cover, no preorder link, no publisher blurbs – not a peep.

So in the absence of any information at all, I tried reaching out to Mr Void himself – and didn’t have much luck. His email address returned a message saying the “inbox is full” and he seems to have blocked my Facebook account.

Oh well. Perhaps this literary revolution will soon be available after all. My offer of $24 for the right to publish extracts from the book still stands…

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One thought on “Is everything not alright with your book, Duane? Sterling Void still hasn’t released tell-all tome, titled The Void Inside Of Me, that he promised his fans back in 2017

  1. The Saturday Recap – 12th June 2021 – Amateur At Play's House 12 June 2021 at 08:25

    […] Where is Sterling Void’s book? […]

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