The pay what you can festival – Outlook genius or just plain stupidity?

Anyone going out shopping recently might have noticed that some prices have gone up – and that’s before you factor in DJ schools whose prices have gone up by over 4000% in 26 years. This poses a major challenge for festivals, as they have to try and persuade people to fork out potentially hundreds of pounds on tickets at a time when their other costs are rising.

Exactly how the DJ world – or more specifically, the top 1% of this world – are dealing with it is something Ears To The House will be covering next week. But Outlook festival have decided to take an especially curious approach to all of this – and the press are spinning it as pay what you can!

Only, when you look closer, it isn’t quite that. What you have to do is complete an application form before the deadline on May 29th and choose a discount between 10% and 100% on the full ticket price. And what is that full ticket price? Er, £160 – in addition to the cost of getting to the venue in the first place.

There’s also what appears to be an optional question at the bottom, stating “If you feel comfortable, please give us a little more detail on why you have sent this request”. Yet when Ears To The House visited the page earlier today, we were greeted with a message stating it was compulsory to put something in this box.

This is only going to go one of two ways. Either everyone is going to be super-honest and the pay what you can scheme will enable people to go who normally couldn’t, or they’re going to have an awful lot of people trying to manipulate the system. We hope it’s very much the first category, but worry their trust might be misplaced…


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