Planet E is 30 – but why has Carl Craig not had his mentor on?

If you had a look in the dance music world at what labels were around in the 1990s, you’ll quickly notice almost all of them have long disappeared. If industry politics didn’t take them out in the 90s, the collapse of vinyl sales in the 2000s did. So kudos goes to Planet E, who are now 30 years old.

But before Ears To The House brings the champagne off the ice, one question arises from his puff piece interview with Bandcamp – published last Friday. In the article, Craig talks extensively about some of the people whose music Planet E has released alongside discussion of what kind of music he signs to the label.

He also mentions Derrick May a number of times, citing his advice when he asked in the early 90s if he should set up a record label – May urged him not to. Craig also talks about how May mentored him in a number of ways. Curiously absent, of course, is any mention of the allegations May has faced in the past two years.

Also omitted is a question as to why May has never contributed a release to Planet E. It seems a fair question to ask – Craig released a track on May’s Transmat in 1990, but an appearance from May has never occurred. Most label bosses would be delighted to release a song by their mentor.

Over to you, Unkle Carl…


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